COVID-19 Mandates
1. Do I need to be tested?
NEW recommendations on testing – If you have mild symptoms and are full vaccinated, you are to self isolate. Complete the online assessment tool for other situations.
2. How do I get tested?
Request a callback from the Island health testing line at:
1-844-901-8442 (8:30am – 4:30pm)
3. What should I do after I’ve been tested?
If you’re fully immunized and test positive for COVID-19, self isolate for at least 5 days from the day your symptoms started. If you aren’t fully immunized, self isolate for at least 10 days from the day your symptoms started.
Fully immunized means at least 8 days after receiving at least 2 doses of a 2-dose series (e.g. AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, or Moderna vaccine) or 14 days after a single dose of a 1-dose series (e.g. Janssen/Johnson and Johnson vaccine).
Continue to isolate for longer if you have a fever or are not feeling better. A note is not required for return to work.
If you test negative, stay home until you feel better.
4. What if I’ve been in contact with someone with COVID-19?
If you’ve been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, read through this handout from the BC Centre for Disease Control.
5. Non-medical questions
Call 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 1-888-268-4319.
6. Other Frequently Asked Questions
For other FAQ, head over to:
COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests
Rapid antigen tests detect the antigens of the virus that causes COVID-19. However, you won’t be able to tell if you’re infected right away. You’ll have to wait 3 to 7 days after infection for there to be enough antigens to be detected by the test.
To book a Rapid Antigen Test, request a callback from Island Health: 1-844-901-8442 (8:30am – 4:30pm)
To learn about how to report a positive Rapid Antigen Test, read this article from the BCCDC.
COVID-19 Antibody Tests
COVID antibody tests are:
1. NOT funded by MSP (client must pay privately).
2. NOT recommended by the Ministry of Health or Public health (LifeLabs is not clear on whether it is even the same test as the ones ordered by public health).
3. NOT recommended or ordered by our clinic as it has limited clinical utility for routine cases outside of specific Public health guidance for specific cases or research.
4. CANNOT comment on infectivity or immunity and is therefore of no utility.
Any doctor visits related to discussing this test, are a private pay matter (not covered by your care card) as this test and visits related to it are not an MSP funded service.
See the BCCDC website for more details.
See HERE for information regarding COVID-19 and children K-12
COVID-19 Assessment & Management Resources
- COVID-19 self assessment tool
- COVID-19 BC downloadable app
- COVID-19 interactive dashboard
There are some for whom COVID-19 will make seriously ill. Take a moment to consider your goals of care.
Community Resources
School district 61 has created a comprehensive document that describes Food, Shelter, Youth, Mental Health, Seniors, Legal Resources and many more. It also includes which of their services are still running during COVID-19.
- Pathways Community Services Directory for the South Island
- BC’s NEW Safe Seniors, Strong Communities Program to connect with volunteers that can help you with groceries, prescription pick up or meal delivery etc
- Information on BC’s Restart Plan
Financial Resources
You might be laid off. You might have had to take leave. You might run your own business, and your revenue is hurting. There are options for you. This excellent document outlines your options and gives you an idea of where to start.
- Here’s another summary written a little bit differently
Resources for Kids & Parents
- See this summary document made by UBC medical students
- COVID parenting tips from the WHO/UNICEF